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7 Yays
9 Nays

10 Smart Javascript Techniques For Manipulating Content
In this article we would like to present 10 smart javascript techniques you should always have handy when creating your next layout design: Page Sliders, Hiding Content, Image/ Content Sliders, Animated Slideshows, Carousels, Tabbed content and more.
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4 Yays
2 Nays

The Big Table Issue
Big tables can pose problems, both from a performance and usability standpoint. This article looks at how to mitigate them.
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13 Yays
12 Nays

jQuery pageSlide
jQuery pageSlide lets you add more real estate to a page by adding a second pane of content that is revealed by shifting the original page content to the left. Activated onClick.
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3 Yays
1 Nays

Semantics in HTML 5
ALA talks about semantics in the HTML 5 specification.
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6 Yays
2 Nays

CSS3 Border-Radius & Rounded Corners
A quick look at creating rounded corners by collectively using CSS3 and vendor specific prefixes (ie: "-moz").
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6 Yays
3 Nays

State of the Web results
The results of the State of the Web survey, looking at the trends and commonalities among web users. Some interesting findings.
User rating:
19 Yays
5 Nays

jQuery Image and Content Slider
A lightweight, simple jQuery plugin that enables images or any content to slide horizontally or vertically on click.
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3 Yays
11 Nays

Thick Underline Menu
A simple yet elegant CSS menu effect, by adding a thick border underneath the menu links.
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4 Yays
3 Nays

127 RSS Feeds That All Designers Should Subscribe To
A massive list of RSS feeds spoon feeding you web design related news and information.
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6 Yays
6 Nays

Top 20 iPhone Apps for Bloggers, Designers & Freelancers
Here you will find some useful organizational iPhone apps, others we thought might help inspire or motivate creativity, while others we have included simply because they will keep you connected with your team or your clients effectively while you are on the go.